
October 6th, 2024, Homecoming Sunday; Yesterday was our 39th year as a Church, and if you were not there you missed a great time in the Lord, we had a Spirit filled worship service yesterday morning, and the Lord added to the Church, Sister’s Annabelle and Amy Hughes came to join us by letter, and we are so proud to have them.  I tell you truly that the Spirt of the Lord has been really working, and it is because we have started asking him to come into the church at every service, I make a point to invite him in the opening prayer, and I have noted that some of the people when they are called on to pray at points in the service, have begun to do the same.  We have had one soul saved and baptized, four have joined, and we have 7 to 11 visitors at every service, some started coming 5 weeks ago and have been faithful to be there every Sunday, and they have in turn brought visitors with them.  We actively invited many, many, people to come and even though all that promised did not come, those that God wanted there, were there and I am pleased with that.  I pray that every Church would be as active and detected in all they do as I have seen with our people in the preparation for this homecoming, they worked really hard at making everything prefect before the Lord, and it showed in the reactions of Our visitors.   When we detected ourselves to the service to the Lord, and set our caps to honor him, he will in turn honor us, as he did yesterday.  I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for the people he has sent to us, and that he allowed us to be the pastor of this church, are a blessing to me personally, and to the Lord.  If you are viewing this web sight, and you live in the area around Kemp, Texas, please stop by, if you live in the area and don’t have a Church home or are visiting around, come in and join us, if you are viewing this web sight from overseas and find yourself here, please come a see us, I know you’ll be blessed and you in turn will bless us.

August 11th, 2024, New Members. We have been praying for the Lord to send us new members, people who have a desire for the work and today the Lord has given us the initial investment on the answer to our prayers, by sending Bro. Charles and Sis. Ora to our Church.  They have been faithfully attending our services now for the last 5 weeks, coming on Sunday and Wednesday nights.  We are thankful for God’s faithfulness to hear and answer our prayers.  We believe that the Lord has given us a vision of that he will fill this sanctuary, and I believe him.  We are specifically praying for others to come when the Spirit leads them, patiently waiting for God’s timing.  This Sunday was a fantastic day, the Spirit was surely present, the Sunday School lesson was moving, and the Song service up lifting, and the message entitled “Amen and Amen” was really moving, the people were visibly moved.

July 29th, 2024, Leaving your Comments.  We have had a problem with receiving your input through our comments section, thanks to Bro. Bob Hoffman, we have hopefully resolved that issue and can now see your comments, and we welcome them. So, if you have tried to leave comments and it failed, please try again.  I would love to know what you think, Thank you.

July 28th, 2024, The Music is Beautiful.  Today we were blessed by a New Piano Player Sis. Annabelle Hughes, she has come to Tolosa Baptist Church to provide music to our Worship service again, and this Sunday was her first service with us, and she gave a wonderful performance with Brother Philip leading the singing.  We have gained in addition a Media specialist in her Mother Amy Hughes. Sis. Amy and Sis. Annabelle is knowledgeable in the use of social media, and hopefully they will be able to get us up and running so that we can reach more people in our area.  We are praying for that to happen soon, God willing.

July 21st, 2024, Series complete. Today we finished the 5 series sermon on “The Church, do we still need it” and it went very well, the people comments were very positive, we covered a lot of ground, the Church is as viable today as it has ever been, it is the only place to learn about Jesus Christ, and though it may not be prefect, it is the only place where we are given and commanded, to come together with the relationship building priority, to grow our relationship with God the Father through our relationship with Jesus Christ and the support of one another, to encourage each other, to share with each other, and to fulfill the great commission.  I encourage you if you are not a part of a local assembly, to pray for the Holy Spirit to lead you to one where the Lord Jesus Christ has a place for you to follow him into the most rewarding and fulfilling relationship you can ever experience.  For the Most part the Church (Local assembly) is still doing what the Lord intended it to do, and I believe what Jesus said is true “even the gates of Hell cannot prevail against it”.  I am very pleased with what God has done in our Church, and having been through this sermon series, I am excited about what He is going to do in the future.

July 14th, 2024, Will be our next quarterly Business conference following the morning worship serviceOur business conference we will discuss our homecoming the first Sunday in October, the next project of work to be done on the church, the purchase of a new water cooler for the church replacing the one that is not working, whether we want to retain the current design on our Church sign or change it to something more up to date.

June 16th, 2024, we will start a five-part series sermon on “The Chruch, do we still need it” this is a new venture for me as I do not normally do series sermons, I tend to preach single sermons.  I believe it is time that we look at what the Church is supposed to be.  I believe we have lost sight of the purpose of the Church.  The Church has a singular purpose that is to follow the calling given by God.  Somehow, we have forgotten that what it is all about, and who we are to serve in the Church, who’s in charge of the Church.  I pray that you will enjoy the series, and that you will as I have, being reminded of what the bride of Christ, the Body of Christ, the people of God are to respond to a changing world, and social climate.  Come and hear what the Lord has to tell us.

Early notice, on May 4th, 2024, at 12:00 noon we will have the Memorial Service for Sister Phileta Smith, at the Church, there will lunch for the family following the service.  Sis. Phileta is the wife of the former Pastor of Tolosa Baptist Church, Bro. Hershell Smith.  Sis. Phileta went home to be with the Lord on Sunday the 14th of April 2024 at 8pm.  We will miss this wonderful lady whose faithfulness, and love for the Lord, central to who she was.  Her straight face witty humor was awesome,  Please pray for the Family she is leaving behind, they will need your prayers for some time to come, as they deal with her absence, but thankful God has seen to it that through their love for the Lord, all their children have come to know the same Lord and savior as she did, and they will join her in their own time, then there will be no more parting, no more tears, and no more pain.

April 14th, 2024, Regularly Scheduled quarterly business meetings; This is meeting needs to have every member present where possible unless they are providentially otherwise hindered, if you are not a member and want to know how we administer God’s affairs you are welcome as a silent observer.

April 7th, 2024, It’s Donut Sunday fellowship again! An Tolosa Baptist church welcome you to join us.

We will be having Donut fellowship this Sunday at 8:45 am, and everyone is welcome.  We would love to have you to have you join us for a fresh cup of coffee and a free donut, and a little Christian fellowship conversation.  If you don’t have a church home and would like to meet our folks, come on in.

April 6th 20,24, Local Men’s fellowship, we would like to send our appreciation to Bro. Don. Kile for inviting us to join with him and all the other pastors and brothers of many local churches at the Men’s breakfast and conference, Bro Sam Smith and I enjoyed the fellowship we had today, thank you so much for the fellowship. We would like to apologize to our followers for the long delay between post.   We have had some technical issues in getting this done, and out to you. Sorry for the inconvenience.

December 31st, 2023, Watch night Service.

there is expected to be a Watch Night Service held at Shady Grove Baptist on New Years Eve, there will be Multiple singers and preacher that night, the time is expected to be 8pm till before midnight, at which time we will pray the old year out and the New Year in.  If you would like to go let us know beforehand if you need directions

December 24th, 2023, Christmas program at Tolosa Baptist Church

We will have our Christmas program in place of our regular morning worship, the Adults will put on a skit provided by Sis, Phileta Smith (thank you Sister), and we will end with a candlelight service and sing of carols.

Ordination Service at The Way Baptist Church in Seagoville, Tx.

On December 10th, 2023, Pastor David has been as to participate in the Ordination Service of Bro. Mike Hill to Deacon, for The Way Baptist Church, located in Seagoville Texas, on Kaufman Street at 2pm, Bro. Sam Smith (Ordained Deacon from Tolosa) will accompany the Pastor, everyone from the Church is invited to support our pastor.  We will leave after Morning service enroute to The Way. If you need directions let us know.

Christmas luncheon/white elephant gifts December 3rd, 2023

We will have a Christmas Luncheon on December 3rd after morning services (as recommended by Sis. Phileta Smith), The Ladies will be bringing a covered dish of their choice followed by a White Elephant gift event.  It will be fun for all, so plan accordingly.  We expect laughs and food to lift your spirits and warm your soul.

Today Baptism Service August 13th, 2023

Today we had Baptism Services form two wonderful young people, Sis. Willow Smith and Bro. Corey Aurand.  I thank the Lord for what he is doing, and for sending these two young people to us.  I have great hopes and know that the Lord is going to do great things in their lives.

Youth Sunday School Classes July 23rd, 2023

We have a Spirit filled Sunday School Teachers at Tolosa Baptist Church, Sis’s Brenda Smith, (nursery) Judy Smith (Beginners) and Jillian Aurand (Juniors, the newest of our classes), These Ladies are Godly women who love Children and teaching them about the Lord, their enthusiasm and zeal for the Lord has blessed the Church and the Children love them.  I can’t say how proud I am of them and appreciate what they are doing.

28th Homecoming October 1st

Tolosa Baptist Chruch will be celebrating another year of God’s blessing on our Church on October 1st, 2023, and we would like to invite you to join with us in this wonderful afternoon of fellowship, praising the Lord, and the preaching of his word. We will have normal Sunday School and Worship services starting at 9:45 am till 12:30, then we will follow that with Food and fellowship at 1:00 till about 2:00 then we will move to the service at about 2:00.  Brother Dave Murphy of Shady Grove Baptist Church located in Balch Springs, Texas, and We will have Bro. Darrell and Sis. Dena Howerton of Saved by Grace singing for us.  It will be a great day!