February 16th, 2025 When Our Faith is Lacking or Shaken
Our Text on this sermon is Mark 9:17-24;
We have all faced difficult times of Faith, times of wavering or times when our faith is tried and tested. Times when loss of when our welfare seems in jeopardy, maybe at the loss of employment, or times when our health issues persistently pursue us, or it could be times when death comes and takes a loved one, times when we just can’t see our way out of the valley, I’ve been there!
The father of the son in our text, surely had reached a place that tested his faith; by his own words he had tried to handle it himself, now he was at a impasse. How many of us have performed in a similar pathway?
The Bible tells us that faith is the belief, trust, and loyalty to a person or thing, we as Christians find our security and hope is in Christ Jesus. When our faith is tested or tried and we struggle with it are to keep moving forward and keep believing God’s truths and promises.
- Turn to the scripture.
- Pray for strength and to increase our faith.
- Do not lose heart.
- Keep Focus.
- Call our Faithful Brothers and Sisters.
Remember we have the Victory through Jesus Christ, because he has overcome the world: Lean on the Following scriptures.
Isaiah 41:10 “Fear thou not, For I am with thee; be not dismayed; for I am thy God; I will strengthen thee; yes, I will strengthen thee; Yea, I will help thee with the right hand of My righteousness.”
- It conveys God’s consolation to those who trust him, promising to deliver them from worries and strengthen them.
- This verse reassures believers not to fear, as God is present and will deliver them from their enemies.
- It highlights that God’s understands human anxiety and encourages trust in him instead of fear.
- Overall, it emphasizes God’s commitment to rescue and support His followers in times of trouble.
Hebrews 11:6 “But without faith it is impossible to please Him; for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”
- Faith is confidence in God’s power, His promises, and His tenderness towards His people ad demonstrated throughout the Old Testament, on the Cross, and at the resurrection. Although the father has not changed, we sometimes drift at the resurrection. we sometimes drift away from what we already know.
- When don’t understand the why we rely on the promises, there by faith is pasted from death unto life.
Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the sustenance of things hoped. the evidence of things not seen”
- This verse reminds us to trust and have confidence in the promises of God, seen when we cannot see physically see the fulfillment of his promises.
- Think of all that the Prophets endured based solely on a promise they would not see but could not see this side of eternity.
- Even the disciples after Jesus gave them warning of what was to come, they did not see, did not understand, but held fast to the promise.
- Abraham is said to have had righteousness imputed to him because of his faith, he couldn’t see Issac’s birth even augured it , but trusted to him who promised, he trusted the Lord, even when he trusted when God told him to take the Mircale son Issac and sacrifice him, though in great anguish he followed through in obedience.
Psalem 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the unbelievers, I will be exalted i the world.”
- In faith we can have peace, a peace that the world cannot understand, because God is supreme authority, he is our refuge in times of trouble he is our help in times of need.
- We are to be still and see what God does, he has sovereignty over all creation both the seen and the unseen.
- Trust, surrender, and hope in the middle of chaos and uncertainty.
We are not in control God is, so let go and let God have his prefect will, and everything will turn out perfectly well with our soul.