Sunday sermons and videos

On the 11th of August 2024 we preached a sermon to our congregation concerning the use of a word we all know and have heard in Church all of our lives, even if we had not been brought up in Church, and I want to share it with you today, and especially if you are viewing our web site.

The Sermon is intitled “Amen and Amen” using the text from Revelation Chapter 3:14 which says, “And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;” In this text Jesus refers to himself in an interesting way, as the Amen which is the title of the Semon is derived.

Its implication is that it is the “Last Word”!  When we see Christ referring to himself as the Amen, he is announcing to everyone that He is the final word.  He is the final authority, there is nothing that comes after, whatever he has, or whatever is said about him is the final word. He is the final word concerning salvation, he is the final word, the final authority, in him is the fullness of the Godhead, all the Promises in the Scriptures are in Him, He is the first and the last, the Alfa and the Omega, there is nothing that follows.

Having reviewed these things concerning Christ, I now want to address the message.  We don’t hear the word “Amen” spoken much in the Church anymore, and when we do hear it, not all that use it understand what they say, it’s just a word we use in church, a few may realize the significance of what they say.

The Secular world we can hear the word Amen used in any conversation concerning any topic where they want to proclaim truth or a finality to a statement, without any knowledge of the significance and power of the word.  Similarly, some Christians use it the same way, sad considering that “Amen” in Revelation 3:14 Jesus declares himself to be the “Amen”.

We need to hear the Amen more in the Church, but we should not hear used unwisely.

Amen, in the Bible, is used as affirmation of the Authority and finality of the words of God. We are saying “it is the absolute truth” and “we absolutely are in agreement” it is an exclamation of acknowledgement; it authenticates all that proceeds or follows in the Word of God as being genuine, without error, absolutely the truth, it is a solemn estate of speech.

You may see this written “Amen” or you may see it in a translative form as “Verily, verily” or you may see it as “Truly, truly”, you may hear it spoken as Amen or Ah ‘men they all mean the something.

When we close our petition before God, we end it with Amen, Jesus when he taught his disciples to pray closed with Amen.  To some this is simply a recitation or ritualistic closing, but to others it is heartfelt affirmation of what we have just prayed, and to whom we have just spoken, and of his power and ability to accomplished it.

Amen establishes an unchangeable and certainty of ending, our faithfully acceptance of God’s will.

If we properly use, understand, and apply the word Amen regularly in our churches what could we expect? Maybe more than you think.

Its conformation and affirms all that was said before.

It verifies that person and gives authority to the source of who has said it.

It shows confidence in whom we place our faith.

It shows a firmness and steadfastness and a steadfastness in whom we believe.

It is a stableness in the understanding, and accreditation to the wisdom of the Almighty.

It shows respect and trust in a truth that is higher than our own.

It is a declaration of the knowledge of reliability when seek his wisdom.

It signals a consistency, unwavering, unyielding, undeniable, and everlasting truth.

It intensifies our faith, encourages our spirit, and glorifies the Lord.

It is all the promises of God through Christ laded one up on another.

It gives hope to the believer, justifies and sanctifies the word of God.

It invites and releases the power of the Holy Spirit.

It inspires the man of God to be of good courage, and emboldens him, it up lifts the spirit of men, exercises the Soul.

The next time you are compelled to say Amen, if Holy Spirit prompts you says Amen do it, and do it with this knowledge, that you are prompting the Lord Jesus Christ himself to actions.